Published on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 at 12:00:00 AM

 The Shire of Dowerin’s 2013-2018 Disability Access & Inclusion Plan is currently being reviewed and we are seeking submissions to assist us in developing the new 2018-2023 5-year Disability Access & Inclusion Plan.

There are 7 outcomes we need to address, which are;

 OUTCOME 1: People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any events organised by, Shire of Dowerin.

OUTCOME 2: People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access to buildings and facilities of the Shire of Dowerin.

Outcome 3: People with disabilities receive the information from the Shire of Dowerin in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people can access it.

Outcome 4: People with disabilities receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of the Shire of Dowerin.

Outcome 5: People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to the Shire of Dowerin.

Outcome 6: People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation by the Shire of Dowerin.

Outcome 7: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment with the Shire of Dowerin.

We would like to know: -

  • How could we make our buildings more assessable for people with disabilities? Have you experienced any difficulties, in accessing our buildings or have you observed others having any such difficulties? Is lighting adequate in our buildings?
  • Are street crossings and footpaths assessable by wheelchairs, gophers and other similar vehicles?
  • Have you endeavoured to take part in physical, cultural or sporting activities but found that there were barriers in the way which prevented you from being involved? Have you observed any other people experience barriers to getting involved?
  • Do you think there are buildings owned by the Council that should have specific toilet facilities for people with disabilities?   Is the toilet we have in our main assembly type building adequate?

The current plan is available by clicking here or copies can be made available on request at the Shire Office. If you have any ideas that would enhance our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, please forward your submissions to dowshire@dowerin.wa.gov.au by 4pm Thursday, 29 June 2018. Any enquiries should be directed to the Shire’s Health and Building Surveyor, Linton Thomas by phoning 0427413060. 



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