
AirstripThe Dowerin Airstrip is located 3km north east of the town site on the Dowerin - Kalannie Road. The airstrip is 1050m in length and is of a gravel and natural surface.

The area is heavily utilised during the annual Dowerin Machinery Field Day event in August each year. Courtesy vehicles are available to taxi pilots and passengers to and from the Field Days site over the duration of the two day event.

All enquiries for use of the airstrip for take off or landing of aircraft should be directed to the Shire of Dowerin on 08 9631 1202 or email

The Shire of Dowerin has recently fenced and installed gates to the entry to the Dowerin Airstrip.

This security step has been undertaken due to vehicles cutting up the gravel landing surface numerous times over the years.

The gates will be locked at all times so if you require access to the Dowerin Airstrip please contact Ben Forbes 0477 357 175 to arrange access.