Tenders & Expressions of Interest

This page details the latest information on tenders currently being advertised, the tenders register and those tenders previously awarded.

All tenders are advertised in accordance with the state-wide public notice requirements as specified in the Local Government Act 1995 and subsidiary Regulations.

Current Tenders

There are currently NO tenders being advertised.


Tender Register

In accordance with Regulation 17(1A) of the Local Government (Functions & General) Regulations 1996, effective from 6 November 2020 the CEO must publish the tenders register on the website (current as from the date of gazettal). As no tenders have been awarded since the below list, the tenders register will be included upon completion of the next tender process.

Awarded Tenders

Prior to the gazettal of the Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2020 the following tenders were advertised and awarded:

To view a copy of the current register click here.