Active Ageing
The Shire of Dowerin has a commitment to providing positive services for the Aged and Disabled. Dowerin has a comprehensive Home Care Service which provides packages of care and services to help residents stay in their own home for longer and assist them to live independently.
Some people receive services through the Commonwealth Home Support Program and are then assessed for a Home Care Package. Others will start with a Home Care Package.
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 for assistance with accessing a Home Care Package. If any other information is required regarding Home Care Package’s please contact the Dowerin Home Care office on 9631 1060 or call My Aged Care.
Access & Inclusion Plan
In June 2018, Council adopted the Shire of Dowerin Disability Access & Inclusion Plan 2018-2023. The plan identifies barriers to access and proposes solutions to ensure everyone has equal access to services and facilities. In addition, the Plan assists the Shire to meet its obligation under the Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993 (as amended in 2004), Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and the Equal Opportunity Amendment Act Western Australia (1988). The Plan is reviewed annually by the staff.
If you would like to comment on how you think the Shire could improve access to buildings, facilities or services for everyone, including people with a disability, please telephone, email or write to:
Rebecca McCall
Shire of Dowerin
13 Cottrell Street