

As from 1 November 2013, all domestic cats in Western Australia, over six months of age, will need to be sterilised, micro chipped and registered with their local government as the full Cat Act 2011 comes into effect.

Registration Fees

The State Government determines the registration fees which are as follows:

Cat Registration Fees
1 year $20.00 ($10.00 pensioner/concession)
3 years $42.50 ($21.25 pensioner/concession)
Lifetime $100.00 ($50.00 pensioner/concession)

Registration period is 1 November to 31 October. Cat registrations expire on 31 October each year (as from 1 June of each year half the normal fee will be applicable to first cat registrations).

Upon presentation of a current Seniors concession card, half the usual fee applies.

To register a cat download the PDF form and hand deliver or post it to the Shire of Dowerin.

Download Cat Registration Form