Home and Community Care (HACC)
What is the Home and Community Care (HACC) Program?
Most people prefer to live in their own home, and participate in the community, but some older people, people with a disability and their carers can find this difficult without support.
This support can be provided by family and friends and also by formal support services such as the HACC Program.
HACC provides basic support to build and maintain people’s skills so that they can carry out essential everyday activities and continue living independently in the community.
HACC also provides support to carers.
Who is eligible for support from HACC?
HACC is designed to assist people with the greatest need and aims to maximize people’s independence.
You may be eligible for HACC if you:
- Are older and frail and having difficulty with everyday tasks
- Have a disability
- Are the carer of a frail older person or someone with a disability.
An Assessment by one of the staff members will confirm your eligibility for HACC support through a face to face assessment in your home that identifies your needs and goals or for more comprehensive support through another community service provider.
Dowerin HACC will work with you in the short or long term to manage the difficulties you are experiencing.
How can Dowerin Home and Community Care assist you?
- Personal Care: Caring for your daily needs and helping you to be independent in you own home e.g. showering, shaving, dressing, hair care.
- Domestic Assistance: Helping you with home care tasks when family or carers are unable to help e.g. general household duties, laundry, shopping, mail, banking, etc.
- Garden/Home Maintenance: Help with jobs in garden – lawn mowing, weeding, pruning, rubbish removal. Minor repairs to home. We may also help to arrange for bigger jobs to be done by a trades person.
- Gentle Gym: Every Monday and Thursday morning at 10am (except public holidays) Gentle Gym is held at the Lesser Hall. You will be taken through a suitable exercise routine followed by a light morning tea. This is a great opportunity for a pleasant social outing.
- Transport: Should you require assistance to be transported to e.g. medical appointments, local shopping we can arrange volunteer drivers or staff to transport you in the HACC vehicle. This is to a maximum of 100kms of Dowerin (more than 100kms it is funded by the Shire of Dowerin)
- Support and Information: We can provide you with information and assistance in managing your own affairs e.g. letter writing, making appointments.
- Respite (relief for the carer): Relief care can be arranged in your own home for short periods of time or at the hospital, for carers who require assistance.
- Nursing: We can provide the service of an Registered Nurse. This can be for dressing changes, or general Nurse duties
Dowerin HACC is coordinated by Lisa Begley who is ably assisted by a friendly team of staff based at the HACC office on East Street, Dowerin.
If you wish to find out more or enquire as to assessment for your eligibility to receive the services of Dowerin HACC please contact one of the friendly staff members using the contact details below.