Public Notice - Dowerin Local Government Election Results 2021

Published on Thursday, 21 October 2021 at 4:19:36 PM

Local Government Ordinary Postal Election 
Notice of Results

Ward Position Candidates Votes Term of Office
District 5 Councillors MCMORRAN, Nadine 223 4 year term
ARMSTRONG, David 130
WARD, Beverley Anne 241 4 year term
HAGBOOM, Lindsay 137 2 year term
HUDSON, Darrel 182 4 year term
ALLSOPP, Wayne 241 4 year term

Beverley Anne WARD is elected as Councillor for the Shire of Dowerin and will hold office until 18 October 2025.

Wayne Gregory ALLSOPP is elected as Councillor for the Shire of Dowerin and will hold office until 18 October 2025.

Nadine Peta MCMORRAN is elected as Councillor for the Shire of Dowerin and will hold office until 18 October 2025.

Darrel Peter HUDSON is elected as Councillor for the Shire of Dowerin and will hold office until 18 October 2025.

Lindsay Gordon HAGBOOM is elected as Councillor for the Shire of Dowerin and will hold office until 21 October 2023.




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