Tender T2021-01 - Flood Damage Repairs for ARGN903, EPAR Works
Published on Saturday, 30 January 2021 at 7:03:00 AM
Flood Damage Repairs for ARGN903, EPAR Works
Tender No. T2021-01
The Shire of Dowerin is seeking to engage a suitable contractor to undertake flood damage repair works. These works are Essential Public Asset Reconstruction works under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements WA (DRFAWA) – AGRN903.
Documentation and further information is available by contacting abhishek.subba@ghd.com.
Tenders are to be marked “Private & Confidential – Tender T2021-01”, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and will be received up to 4.00pm WST on Friday 26 February 2021. Tenders are to be submitted in accordance with the Conditions of Tender via email to tenders@dowerin.wa.gov.au (preferred) or posted to PO Box 111, Dowerin WA 6461 or hand delivered to the Shire Administration Office, 13 Cottrell Street, Dowerin.
Canvassing of Shire of Dowerin Councillors or staff will disqualify tenderers from the evaluation process. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Rebecca McCall
Chief Executive Officer