Report a Hazard or Problem
Request Works
To report pot holes, damaged kerbs or footpaths, flooded streets, blocked drains, damaged reserves, broken play equipment or any other maintenance issues, please contact the Technical Services Department on (08) 9631 1202 during business hours. Alternatively, you can lodge a Request-Report-Complaint form or report it online through Snap Send Solve.
Goldfields Road, and the Goomalling-Merredin Road are maintained by Main Roads WA. To contact Main Roads WA regarding any issues or maintenance, please call 138 138.
Signage and Lighting
For damaged or missing street signs, please contact the Shire’s Technical Services Department on 9631 1202 during business hours or alternatively lodge a Request-Report-Complaint Form.
To report faulty streetlights, contact Western Power on 1800 622 008 or online at Report a Faulty Streetlight.